Business Directory


1970 S US Highway 63 West Plains MO 65775 (417) 256-5683

First Baptist Church

Southern Baptist Convention
202 Walnut St West Plains MO 65775 (417) 256-3128
422 W Main St West Plains MO 65775 (417) 256-2887
1700 Wayhaven Dr West Plains MO 65775 (417) 256-3079
1002 Saint Louis St West Plains MO 65775 (417) 257-1004
409 Joe Jones Blvd West Plains MO 65775 (417) 256-4309
112 S Aid Ave West Plains MO 65775 (417) 256-4247
503 W Main St West Plains MO 65775 (417) 256-6167
613 Porter Wagoner Blvd West Plains MO 65775 (417) 256-2555

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