About Us

I’m so happy you stopped by. A few years ago I moved to Mammoth Spring Arkansas. I love it here, with all the amazing natural attractions, the people, the food, and the shopping. Because Mammoth spring has a low population, my friends, family, and neighbors like to go visit West Plains. I have fallen in love with West Plains and that’s why I created this website to make it easier for locals, people who just moved to the area, and visitors to find what they are looking for in West Plains.

I am the owner of Easy Web Guys. It’s the new name for my marketing company that I ran for over 25 years. But it’s still the same company. My experience includes Corporate Marketing Consulting, the Director of Marketing for a College, and marketing in over a dozen industries. I find that tourism and business promotion are both my specialties and my passion. If you need assistance with a website, or other marketing feel free to give me a call. I love to help whenever I can.

J. Kollar

Easy Web Guys



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